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Finding an orphaned kitten tin can be scary, and you probably want to exercise everything you can to aid the kitten thrive. You lot tin feed the kitten by making bootleg formula in an emergency, only it'south non safety to give it homemade formula for more than a few days. Homemade formula isn't nutritionally complete, so you need to get a commercial kitten replacement formula from your vet or a pet store. Feed your kitten every 3 hours for the beginning week, and then gradually lengthen the time between feedings.

  1. 1

    Buy kitten replacement formula from a vet or pet shop. Kitten replacement formula is sold in powdered and liquid form. Powdered formula is better for your kitten than liquid formula because it'south less likely to cause diarrhea. Enquire your vet to recommend or prescribe a formula, or wait for 1 at your local pet store.[one]

    • Liquid formula typically doesn't demand to be mixed with water. However, keep in mind that the kitten is more than probable to have diarrhea when it eats liquid formula. Since diarrhea can dehydrate your kitten, it may go life-threatening.
    • Check the expiration date to make certain the formula isn't expired. Never give a kitten expired formula considering it can brand the kitten sick.
    • Some good brands of kitten formula include PetAg KMR Pulverisation and Farnam Pet Products Just Born Highly Digestible Milk Replacer for Kittens.
  2. ii

    Mensurate a serving of powdered formula and mix it with water. Read the characterization to observe out how much powdered formula to utilise for one serving. And then, measure out the formula and put it into a clean basin or jar. Add together water according to the label and stir to combine.[two]

    • Your formula may come with a scoop to make measuring it piece of cake. Otherwise, utilise a measuring spoon.

    Tip: Use unflavored Pedialyte instead of water for the first 24 hours to limit the risk of the kitten getting diarrhea.


  3. iii

    Store the formula in your refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling. Kitten formula will become bad if yous don't go along it cool. This can make your kitten very sick, which will likely require veterinary intendance. Keep it in the refrigerator when you're not using it.[3]

    • To bank check if the formula is spoiled, sniff it to make certain it smells similar sweet milk. If it smells rancid or like bad cooking oil or old cheese, it is likely spoiled.
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  1. 1

    Utilize a bootleg formula only as a last resort. Bootleg formulas are not nutritionally complete, and sometimes they tin do more than damage than skillful. Withal, if you have a hungry orphaned kitten and there'southward no way to go a commercial kitten milk replacement (KMR) formula right abroad, you tin apply one of these equally a short-term selection.

    • If possible, contact a vet or become to an emergency vet clinic to get some KMR.
    • Some vets recommend giving merely h2o to keep the kitten hydrated until you tin become KMR.
    • Homemade formulas may cause diarrhea, which tin can pb to dehydration in kittens.
  2. 2

    Mix an egg yolk into unsweetened evaporated milk for a quick option. Cascade a modest can of unsweetened evaporated milk into a jar. Then, add an egg yolk to the milk and stir to combine. Refrigerate the formula until y'all're ready to utilise information technology.[iv]

    • Don't use sweetened evaporated milk because information technology can harm the kitten.
    • Your formula should stay fresh in the refrigerator for one or ii days, and then yous can use it for multiple feedings.

    Alarm: This formula is but condom to employ for 1 day of feedings. It'southward a quick, emergency option until yous can get a nutritionally complete formula.

  3. 3

    Use whole milk, egg yolks, and olive oil as another quick option. Pour eight  fl oz (240 mL) of whole milk into a jar. Then, add ii egg yolks and ane  tsp (iv.9 mL) of olive oil to the jar. Stir the ingredients to combine them. Store the formula in the refrigerator until you're prepare to use it.

    • You can also add i driblet of liquid pediatric vitamins if you have them.
    • The formula should stay fresh in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
  4. iv

    Combine goat'southward milk, Karo syrup, yogurt, egg yolks, and gelatin for more nutrition. Pour 1  qt (0.95 50) of goat's milk into a saucepan. Then, mix in the correct corporeality of Knox unflavored gelatin for the kitten'southward age. Heat the ingredients on low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Finally, add 1  tsp (iv.9 mL) of light Karo syrup, 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of plain nonfat yogurt, and ane egg yolk to the mixture and stir to combine them. Store the formula in the fridge until you're ready to utilize it.

    • It'south best to use goat's milk yogurt for the formula, but you tin use regular plain nonfat yogurt if that's all you lot have.
    • Goat'southward milk formula will stay fresh in the fridge for upwardly to a week.

    Tip: This formula is more than nutritionally complete than other homemade formulas. However, it's not safe to use it for more than a few days. The kitten needs a kitten replacement formula to make sure it thrives.

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  1. one

    Brand certain the kitten is warm before y'all feed it. If the kitten is common cold, it won't be able to digest the formula properly. Earlier you lot begin feeding, feel the kitten'due south ears and paw pads, or gently put your finger in its mouth. If any of these parts of its body feel cold, wrap the kitten in a towel or infant coating and caress it close to your trunk. While you're snuggled up with the kitten, rub information technology with warm hands to gradually warm information technology upwardly over near xx minutes.[5]

    • If the kitten eats while it is common cold, the formula will stagnate in its digestive tract and make it ill.
    • Don't try to warm upward the kitten too chop-chop (due east.thousand., with a heating pad or electric blanket), since a sudden change in temperature could be harmful. Warm it up gradually using a towel or blanket and your own torso estrus.
  2. 2

    Warm up the formula by placing the container in hot water. Put the formula into a small cup or jar. Fill a large bowl with hot h2o, then immerse the lesser of the cup or jar under the water. Get out the cup or jar in the h2o until the formula feels warm to the touch on.[6]

    • As an alternative, hold the bottom of the cup or jar under a stream of running hot water. This volition chop-chop warm it up.
    • Test the formula with your finger to make certain that it'due south not too warm. Information technology should feel slightly warmer than room temperature.

    Warning: Never microwave formula because it can create hotspots that may scald the kitten.

  3. 3

    Use an eye dropper or needle-less syringe to administer the formula. Place the tip of the centre dropper or syringe into the warm formula. Then, draw the formula up into the dropper or syringe until information technology's nearly full. Place the tip of the centre dropper or syringe into the kitten's mouth to feed information technology.[7]

    • You can go an eye dropper or syringe from your vet or a local pet store.

    Variation: You can also use a nursing canteen, but keep in mind that kittens normally can't suck the formula out of the nipple. You lot'll likely need to clasp the nipple or the bottle to help the kitten eat.

  4. 4

    Squeeze the formula into the kitten's rima oris. Hold the tip of the eye dropper or syringe in your kitten's mouth. Slowly squeeze a few drops of formula onto the kitten'southward natural language. Wait for the kitten to swallow the formula, then squeeze a few more than drops into its mouth. Finish feeding the kitten when information technology refuses food or its stomach looks like a football.[viii]

    • It's okay if the kitten only eats a little bit of food at a time. Don't try to force it to eat because it may get diarrhea if information technology overeats. Instead, offer it food more oft.
  5. 5

    Feed the kitten every 3 hours for the commencement ane-2 weeks. Kittens need abiding care when they're very young. Offer the kitten food every three hours for the get-go calendar week you lot're caring for information technology. This will ensure that it gets plenty nutrient to assist it thrive.[9]

    • It's best to ask your vet how often you need to feed the kitten. If the kitten is already several weeks old, yous might be able to feed it less often. Similarly, if the kitten is very pocket-sized, your doctor may recommend feeding information technology more often.
  6. 6

    Switch to feeding every four hours for the third calendar week. Once yous've been carrying for the kitten for a week or 2, it's okay to reduce the number of feedings considering the kitten should be eating more food at each feeding. Space your feedings at 4-hour intervals for the 3rd calendar week.[10]

    • If you continue to formula feed the kitten longer than 3 weeks, space the feedings out to every 5-6 hours.
    • Check with your vet before changing the feeding schedule.
  7. seven

    Massage the kitten'southward anus with a warm towel later it eats to help information technology potty. A immature kitten tin can't urinate or defecate on its ain, so you lot have to help information technology potty later on each feeding. Wet a paper towel with warm h2o. Hold the kitten over paper towels, then gently wipe the kitten's anal and urinary openings with the towel. Information technology should immediately potty. Later on, pat the kitten's anal and urinary area dry out.[xi]

    • Continue to help the kitten potty until it's able to practise information technology on its own.
  8. eight

    First weaning the kitten at iii-four weeks of age. One time the kitten starts bitter or chewing the dropper, syringe, or nipple, information technology's safe to get-go weaning. To wean the kitten, mix the formula into kitten food so the kitten recognizes the taste. So, smear the food on the kitten's mouth and let information technology lick the food off. Place a bowl of nutrient mixed with formula in front of the kitten and monitor it while information technology eats.[12]

    • Mix formula or water into the food for the showtime 2-3 weeks of weaning. So, switch to wet or dry kitten nutrient when the kitten is 6 or vii weeks of age.

    Warning: Don't leave the kitten unattended while it'south eating the formula and food mix. It may fall into the basin.

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  • If you found the kitten outside, accept it to the vet to get it examined and treated.[xiii]


  • Don't give the kitten moo-cow'south milk because information technology won't be able to assimilate it properly.

  • Accept the kitten to the vet if it doesn't eat for 6 hours. It may get dehydrated, which can be life-threatening.[14]



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