
How To Keep Dogs From Chewing Cords

In our mod earth of tech, there are now a lot of cords and wires. At Troomi, nosotros've gone over how to go on our kids safe from cords, specially babies and toddlers, only what if we also have pets? Maybe we take pets who like to chew on cords. Maybe that pet is my sweet domestic dog who has destroyed yet some other tupperware. Perchance a lot of us have sweetness dogs that haven't outgrown their puppy habit of chewing cords.

And then let's go over the question we all have: how to stop my dog from chewing electrical wires.

First look at why your dog is chewing on cords or wires in the first place. This is known as destructive chewing. Dogs, as part of growing up, chew on things for a number of reasons. Teething, separation anxiety, colorlessness, or fifty-fifty they just haven't been trained out of information technology yet.

Okay, you might at present exist thinking, "what, are cords prophylactic for cats or something? Why all this focus on dogs?" No, cords and wires are also unsafe for cats and even rodents (if your family has mice, hamsters, or rats). Dogs are the most common culprit when it comes to wire gnawing, merely they aren't the just ones responsible. And chewing on wires is dangerous. They are at risk of electric shock and fifty-fifty choking. Permit'due south wait at how to prevent pets from chewing electrical cords and continue our tech, and more than importantly our pets, safe and healthy.

Pet dental hygiene

Both cats and dogs chew as part of keeping their teeth good for you. Even rodent pets chew as part of their dental hygiene. If your pet is chewing on cords, you should take them to the vet to accept their teeth, and their nutrition, checked.

Toy alternative

One reason pets, both cats and dogs, chew on cords is due to colorlessness or feet. Giving them an culling toy to play with or chew on will alleviate their desire to chew on your cords.


I of the simplest ways to continue cords out of pets' mouths is by blocking admission. Yous tin can run wires behind or under furniture. If you accept pets that can fit backside furniture, you can even run the wires nether rugs or duct tape them downward. If your pet tin't meet the wire, the temptation to chew is eliminated.

If yous tin't constrict cords behind or under article of furniture, yous can also elevate and mount your wires college on a wall. You can embrace them with flat wire channels or even run them through the within of a hose. There are also plastic or rubber wire covers that you lot can wrap effectually your cords.

If you have dangling cords from your computer, boob tube, or lights, yous can wind them up and constrict the excess cords out of reach.

Anti-chewing spray

Anti-chewing sprays volition deter your pets from chewing on cords, but isn't nearly as humane every bit training. If your pet is still determined to chew on your wires or even your remotes, use an Anti-chewing spray for their safety. Make certain to practice your research and know what things are safe for your pets. Pet Life Today has done some research and these are the best repellent sprays for dogs and cats.

Protecting cables from cats, dogs, and other pets is best done in the prevention stage. If your dog or cat bites a live wire, bank check out these steps on what to exercise. Our pets are part of our families. By taking the correct steps, we can proceed them healthy and rubber.

Our globe is changing quickly, with new wonders and new dangers. Nosotros desire to go along our pets safe, but even moreso, we want to protect and teach our kids and then they can someday brand information technology on their own. This is where Troomi comes in. With Kidsafe apps and military grade security, these smartphones are designed to teach them responsibility as well every bit keep them safe. Check out Troomi for the plan correct for your family unit.


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