
How To Keep Bug Off Of My Cauliflower

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Cauliflower ear (aka an auricular hematoma) is an injury to the ear that causes internal bleeding and inflammation — the superlative part substantially puffs upwardly. Information technology'due south acquired past a significant directly blow, excessive friction from rubbing or repetitive, small-scale trauma to the ear. Cauliflower ear is a relatively common injury in wrestling, mixed martial arts, rugby, battle and water polo.[one] Treatment substantially involves combating the swelling and then draining the blood, which must be done within about 48 hours to avoid permanent disfigurement. The use of syringes and needles to drain a cauliflower should always exist done by medical professionals unless yous detect yourself in an emergency situation.

  1. 1

    Apply ice. Immediately afterwards an injury to your ear that causes swelling, stop your activity and apply ice (or something cold) in club to reduce the inflammation and numb the pain.[2] The ice will reduce the flow of blood into the infinite betwixt the skin and cartilage of your upper ear. Apply the common cold therapy for near 10 minutes at a time, every hour or so, for near three to four hours from the time of the injury.

    • Wrap the ice cubes, crushed ice or frozen gel pack in a thin cloth earlier applying it to your ear in order to prevent frostbite or skin irritation.
    • Every bit an culling, utilise a small bag of frozen vegetables or fruit to combat the swelling of your ear.
  2. ii

    Use a head wrap to compress your injured ear. In improver to applying ice to your swollen ear, wrap a Tensor or Ace bandage around your head so you feel pressure confronting your ear.[3] The combination of cold therapy and compression is the nearly effective way to combat swelling of near all musculoskeletal injuries. Pressure can stop the internal bleeding faster, thereby reducing the severity of the cauliflower deformity.

    • You can also use a long strip of gauze or an rubberband practise band to compress the water ice confronting your ear.
    • Consider wedge packing some gauze in front of and behind your ear earlier wrapping information technology with a stretchy bandage to increment the pressure on it.
    • Exercise not wrap the gauze then tightly that it causes a headache or dizziness or cuts off apportionment, as claret flow is necessary to carry away excess fluid. You should also avoid wrapping it in a way that causes the gauze to block your vision or reduce hearing in your uninjured ear.
    • Remove the bandage one time every 60 minutes to allow your ear rest.


  3. iii

    Take anti-inflammatories. Some other method of reducing swelling and the pain of a cauliflower ear is to take over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin or naproxen (Aleve).[four] Take them as soon as possible afterward your injury for best results. Combine them with cold therapy and compression also.

    • Painkillers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) are obviously helpful for pain, but they don't reduce swelling at all.
    • Aspirin and ibuprofen can increase and worsen internal haemorrhage, so ask your doctor if anti-inflammatories are advisable for your case.
    • Don't take anti-inflammatories for longer than two weeks in lodge to reduce side effects, such as tummy and kidney irritation. For cauliflower ear, a couple of days of medication is probably sufficient.


  1. one

    Sympathize the risk. Even though information technology's possible to drain a mild cauliflower ear without going to the medico, particularly if you take some sort of medical grooming, doing and then significantly increases your take chances of infection and afterward complications. You should only endeavor to bleed a cauliflower ear if there's no possibility of seeing a md or medical professional inside ii to iii days.

    • Furthermore, draining your own ear should simply be attempted if the trauma is mild with merely moderate swelling and no torn pare.
    • If you have a cell phone, call emergency services to get some helpful advice and support.
  2. 2

    Sanitize your hands and/or wear gloves. Before dealing with your cauliflower ear, make sure to sanitize your easily by washing them with warm water and regular lather for near xxx seconds, then dry them with paper towels. If you lot have latex surgical gloves, then put them on after you wash your hands, merely it'due south not critical to article of clothing them. Having make clean or protected hands greatly reduces the risk of spreading bacteria to the ear injury and causing an infection.[five]

    • Alternatively, if you don't have lather and water, lather your hands in some alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Alcohol or baby wipes can too be helpful to make clean your hands if y'all find yourself in an emergency situation.
  3. 3

    Disinfect and prepare your injured ear. Before attempting to drain your cauliflower ear, make certain to disinfect it thoroughly. Soak a sterile cotton ball with with rubbing booze and apply it to the tiptop half of your ear where the swelling is worse.[6] The top half of your ear is where you lot'll be puncturing the pare, so brand sure it'due south entirely disinfected.

    • Apply a generous amount of rubbing booze to coat all the crevices, both within and outside the upper one-half of your ear.
    • Alcohol swabs are also dandy for disinfecting, as is booze-based sanitizing lotion, which can be applied with a clean Q-tip.
    • Apply ice for nigh 10 – 15 minutes but prior to puncturing your ear in order to numb the pain — ice is a natural anesthetic.
  4. 4

    Pierce the hematoma with a needle and syringe. If you don't take one at home or wherever you are, buy a new 20-estimate i-inch needle with at to the lowest degree a 3 milliliters (0.x  fl oz) syringe attached to it in order to pierce the hematoma — the large pocket filled with blood.[seven] The 20-gauge needle isn't the smallest blazon, simply it's the best choice to suction up the thick, coagulated blood inside a cauliflower ear.

    • The iii mL syringe capacity will ensure that all the fluid can be suctioned up, and the 1-inch needle length will help prevent you from puncturing the ear likewise far and damaging the cartilage.
    • Simply pierce the bloated portion of the mid-to-upper ear deep enough to go the tip of the needle in. Do non shove the needle in too deeply since you could cause more damage.
  5. five

    Draw out the blood and other fluid. In one case the tip of the needle has pierced the skin of your cauliflower ear, slowly and steadily pull the plunger of the syringe to depict out the blood, pus and inflammatory liquid.[8] Continue drawing out fluid until you can no longer pull the plunger back or until the wounded area appears completely tuckered and deflated.

    • Yous may need to gently squeeze the affected role of your ear equally you drain it to help move all the blood and fluid to the tip of the needle and, ultimately, out of the ear. While you practise this, attempt to hold the needle as still as possible to keep it from causing micro-cuts inside your ear.
    • The fluid may look a little milky red if pus is nowadays, or vivid red if the injury is fresh (inside hours).
    • When removing the needle, do it slowly and with a steady hand and so the puncture wound remains small. Again, moving the needle around too much can tear the skin, so be careful.
  6. 6

    Disinfect the expanse once again. After gently squeezing all the remaining fluid out from your ear, disinfect the minor puncture wound with more than rubbing alcohol, tea tree oil or booze-based sanitizer practical to a make clean cotton ball/swab or soft tissue. With an open wound, your ear is most susceptible to infection at this phase, so take your time and do a thorough job of disinfecting.[9]

    • Note that the skin will even so seem wrinkled subsequently, but this usually heals and flattens out over time as long as all the ear has been thoroughly drained.
    • Let the pocket-sized puncture "weep" for a few minutes if need be, which means it might continue to leak a small amount of blood.
  7. seven

    Apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Depending on your injury and how well yous drained the cauliflower ear, there may exist no more blood after a few minutes of light weeping; however, if blood continues to trickle or baste from your ear, so y'all need to apply pressure for a few minutes with some clean gauze or tissue to cease the bleeding and promote clotting.

    • Later a few minutes of pressure to stop the bleeding, consider applying a small bandage to cover information technology up and deter infection.
    • Make sure to change your bandage daily or every fourth dimension information technology gets moisture.


  1. 1

    Undergo drainage and compression. Although drainage with a needle is still widely used past doctors, it'south no longer recommended past many sources because the hematoma often returns to some extent.[ten] Regardless, your doctor may prefer needle aspiration and become about it in a similar fashion to the to a higher place recommended procedures. Later, your dr. volition apply a special compression wrap to the site to forestall additional blood from pooling in the wounded ear.

    • Bated from expertise, the primary departure between you draining your ear and your physician doing information technology is that your physician will use a local or topical coldhearted to make the procedure about painless.
    • Applying pressure with a tight cast as well helps whatever torn pare reconnect to the ear cartilage beneath information technology.[eleven]
    • The medico volition likely utilize gauze to both the front and back of your ear before wrapping it with sterile bandages.
  2. 2

    Ask about drainage and splinting. This procedure is quite similar to the needle and syringe drainage and compression technique, but instead of using a pinch wrap to apply pressure on your ear, a doc will identify a special splint inside to keep more than constant pressure on the wound in order to completely drain it.

    • Splinting may have the form of sutures, which are placed through the ear in a mode that holds a special gauze in place.[12]
    • Alternatively, the splint can be fabricated from pediplast or silicone and molded to your ear.
    • If a splint is used, your ear will need to be checked past your medico again in i calendar week. Sutures stay in identify for two weeks unless redness or tenderness develops. A molded splint may be kept in place fifty-fifty longer.
  3. 3

    Get an incision to drain your ear instead. The most commonly recommended method for doctors to drain a cauliflower ear is by a small incision from a scalpel. Making an incision completely drains the claret and greatly reduces the chance of a hematoma forming once more, which can be an issue with the needle drainage technique. Making an incision is also easier to get thickly coagulated or clotted claret out of your ear.

    • This type of procedure is typically performed by a plastic surgeon or by a licensed otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist).
    • With an incision technique, the doctor will have to close the wound with a few stitches, which will either dissolve or exist taken out a week or and so later.
    • Stitches will keep the detached skin over the cartilage, giving information technology an opportunity to reattach itself to the cartilage properly. [thirteen]


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  • In add-on to swelling, other common symptoms of cauliflower ear include: pain, redness, bruising and deformity of the curvature of the ear.[14]

  • Keep your ear dry. The affected ear should be kept dry out for the starting time day after the drainage procedure.

  • Do not breast-stroke or swim for the first 24 hours afterwards draining your cauliflower ear.

  • Keep the compression wrap in identify for a minimum of 24 hours (if not a few days longer) to promote healing.

  • In one case at home after the drainage, utilise antibacterial ointment to the puncture or incision wound to deter infection.

  • Await at least a couple of days to render to your sport. Wear suitable protective headgear to prevent cauliflower ear in the futurity. Always wear a regulation helmet and make sure that the helmet fits yous properly.

  • Your doctor may prescribe an oral or topical antibiotic to assistance prevent infection from setting in, specially if an incision was made or if your skin was torn during the initial injury.


  • Notify the doctor immediately if you suspect that an infection has formed. A severe infection needs to treated by a surgeon via open drainage and intravenous antibiotics. Symptoms indicating the presence of an infection include headache, fever, redness, tenderness, pus drainage, swelling, increased pain, or a modify in hearing.

  • Seek treatment within the first 24 to 48 hours. During the early stages of injury, the cauliflower ear will be soft and filled with fluid. It is important that you drain the fluid inside the time frame since it will begin to harden up afterward. Once a cauliflower ear hardens, you volition need plastic surgery to correct the deformity.

  • Information technology's strongly advised to have your dr. drain your ear instead of trying to do information technology yourself. The procedure will be both safer and more thorough if performed by a professional.

  • The trauma that acquired the cauliflower ear may take also injured your eardrum (tympanum) or associated structures used for hearing. Be sure to bank check in with your doctor and take them evaluate your eardrum besides as give yous a hearing test.


Things You'll Need

  • Ice pack
  • Elastic gauze bandages
  • 23-gauge syringe, 3-ml, with one-inch needle
  • Disposable gloves
  • Tea tree oil
  • Tweezers
  • Sterile cotton balls
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Able-bodied foam

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Commodity Summary X

If you've got cauliflower ear, employ ice to information technology immediately after you suffer the injury to limit swelling. Simply attempt to drain information technology at home if the cauliflower ear is balmy and you can't see a doctor for 2 or 3 days. Otherwise, make an appointment with your physician to have it treated professionally. If y'all determine to treat it at home, wash your hands with soap and hot water to disinfect them. Then, use rubbing booze with a cotton wool swab to the summit of your ear to remove bacteria. In one case y'all've cleaned your ear, pierce the skin on the nigh bloated role with a syringe and apply the plunger to draw out the fluid. When you lot've drained the wound, disinfect the area once more and apply pressure with a tissue for ii to iii minutes to stem any bleeding. To larn more about treatment options for a cauliflower ear from our Medical co-author, keep reading!

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