
Can I Change My Email Address But Keep The Same Account

You might've had your email address for years, and so everyone knows information technology. But permit's say you want to modify the name associated with that address. Maybe you lot're getting married. Or want to create a fabulous stage name for your Hollywood debut.

Whatever the reason, don't worry - you tin can do it in a few elementary steps. Just remember:

  • You lot tin can't change your username or the actual e-mail address. You can only change the name associated with the account.
  • If people take yous saved as something else in their contacts, that's the proper name they'll see. Your "new name" volition only show up in emails you transport to them.

Footstep i: Open Gmail and go to settings

Open Gmail, and click the gear in the upper right corner:


Select "settings" from the dropdown menu.

Footstep 2: Go to the Accounts tab

And so, in settings, select the "Business relationship Info" tab from the carte along the summit:


Look for the option to "Ship postal service as:" and select the "edit info" choice.

Step 3: Edit your info

When y'all click that "edit info" button a yellowish box will popular upwards. Yous'll see your name as it'southward currently displayed, and below it a blank infinite where you can blazon in your preferred proper noun.

Type in your new name and select that pick. So save the changes.


Ta-da! Your new name will display when you ship emails.

Things to annotation

If y'all can't change your proper name in Gmail, it could exist because

  • Your visitor has disabled that functionality (they probably don't want you changing your proper name to, for case, Your Royal Highness), or
  • You've changed your name besides many times recently. Easy in that location.

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