
How To Keep Your Cornrows Fresh

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Cornrows are formed past braiding the hair closely to the scalp. Cornrows not but look beautiful, but they are also a great pick for natural pilus because they promote healthy hair growth. This mode requires consistent care. Wash your hair every 7 to 10 days, moisturize your braids, and maintain the look to keep your style looking awesome for as long as possible.

Things Y'all Should Know

  • Wash your pilus about every 7-10 days to proceed your scalp healthy without damaging your braids.
  • Use applicator bottles with pointed nozzles to get your shampoo and conditioner right where y'all need them.
  • Pat and squeeze your braids with a towel to dry them without adding frizz.
  • Every few days, fight dryness past moisturizing your braids with shea butter and applying essential oils to your scalp.
  • Cover your braids with a hair wrap, bandana, or scarf while you sleep to prevent frizziness.
  1. one

    Wash your hair every seven to 10 days. Washing your hair every twenty-four hour period or even a few times a week can be as well much for braids. Not washing your braids at all, however, can atomic number 82 to even more damage and breakage. Washing your hair every 7 to 10 days is best for most hair types, but you tin can inquire your stylist for advice if y'all're not sure if that is right for your pilus.

  2. 2

    Dilute your shampoo and conditioner in applicator bottles. Become an applicator bottler with a pointed tip. Fill this applicator bottle with 90% water. Meridian of the bottle with the shampoo of your choice. Do the aforementioned with the conditioner of choice in another applicator bottle.[1]


  3. 3

    Cover your braids with shampoo. Utilize the applicator bottle to apply shampoo to your scalp and braids. In one case everything is covered, give your scalp a gentle massage to lather up the shampoo. Massaging your scalp will assistance reduce flakiness and oils.[2]

  4. 4

    Rinse out the shampoo. Exercise not stand under a shower head to rinse off. Instead, employ a cup or removable shower head. Make certain every bit of shampoo gets rinsed out.[iii]

  5. 5

    Repeat the process with conditioner. Accept the applicator bottle filled with conditioner. Apply it to your scalp and braids. Again, massage your scalp. Then, rinse out the conditioner completely.[4]

  6. half dozen

    Towel dry your pilus. Your braids will likely feel heavy with water at this point. Use a towel to go some of the backlog h2o out of your hair. Pat and squeeze your braids. Do not rub your braids, as rubbing will cause frizz.[five]

    • You could also use a pilus dryer on the warm setting.[6]
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  1. 1

    Rub shea butter onto your braids. You tin can use the shea butter of your choice. Rub shea butter into and all the mode through your dry out braids. Repeat this every few days. Or, yous can repeat this whatsoever time your braids start to feel dry.

    • Y'all can use raw shea butter or shea butter hair moisturizer.
    • You can besides apply shea butter on damp hair after a shower.
  2. 2

    Spritz your braids with water. Fill up a spray bottle with water. You tin as well utilise a water-based moisturizing product if you'd similar. Spritz your scalp and braids whenever your hair starts to experience dry.

    • Using a water-based product is ameliorate if your hair is very dry.
  3. 3

    Keep your scalp moisturized with essential oils. Keeping your scalp moisturized will reduce the possibility of your braids looking dry and dull. Employ essential oils or the moisturizing product of your selection. Oils such as lavander, rosemary, and tea tree are all skilful options. Considering these essential oils are potent, mix a few drops with a carrier like coconut or jojoba oil. Rub the oil into your scalp every few days.

    • You can also dilute essential oils with floral water, vinegar, or booze.
    • You can moisturize your scalp less oft if it is naturally oily.
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  1. ane

    Cover your braids while you slumber. Roofing your braids while you slumber will reduce flyaway hairs and frizz. You tin use a hair wrap, bandana, or scarf. A non-absorbent textile, like satin or silk, is ideal because it won't take moisture out of your hair while yous sleep. Embrace your hair every night right before you go to slumber.

    • Y'all can put your cornrows up in a bun if your pilus is very long.
  2. ii

    Take care of your edges to avoid damaged roots. Cornrows are braided very tightly against the scalp, which tin cause pulling. Pulling tin can be uncomfortable and lead to uprooted roots. Apply oil around the edges whenever y'all feel uncomfortable.

    • If you experience too uncomfortable, become to your stylist to have your braids loosened or removed.
  3. 3

    Choose an experienced creative person to handle your pilus. Cornrows volition require professional upkeep afterwards a few weeks. Your braids are just as expert every bit the person who handles your hair. Go to someone with feel to make sure the job is getting done right. If you aren't sure about the stylist'southward experience, y'all tin inquire them upfront or search for reviews online.

    • You can also ask friends and family unit members for recommendations.
  4. 4

    Get a trim about every six weeks. A trim is necessary to keep your braids looking swell. A trim every six weeks is recommended, but you should ask your stylist what they think is right for you lot. Go to your stylist sooner if you feel significant impairment or loosened braids.

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  • Ask the professional who did your hair for advice if y'all're having bug with separate ends or breakage.[vii]

  • Cornrows work best if your pilus is at least 3 inches (10 cm) long when direct and ii inches long (5 cm) when curly.


  • Go to your stylist if your braids are very uncomfortable. Braids that are also tight can crusade Traction Alopecia.

  • Never rub your braids. This could cause them to become frizzy.[8]

  • Digging at your cornrows volition cause them to loosen upwards.[9]


Things You'll Need

  • 2 applicator bottles
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Towel
  • Shea butter
  • Spray bottle
  • Moisturizer of choice
  • Headwrap or bandana

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