
How Can I Keep Mosquitoes Out Of My Room

Mosquitos range from existence a nuisance to carriers of diseases such as malaria, Westward Nile, dengue, Zika, and more. There are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes, from insecticides to natural and organic options. For example, if you lot're non comfortable with issues zappers, you can use natural repellents, and if yous adopt to not apply DEET, you can create essential oil sprays.

There are many ways to go rid of mosquitoes, just they aren't all equally effective. The This Old Firm Reviews Team has rounded up the best ways to get rid of mosquitoes, all in one place. In this guide y'all'll find tips on removing them from both your business firm and your grand.

If your mosquito trouble is too serious to tackle on your own, we recommend hiring a professional pest control company to banish these bloodsuckers.

Our top recommendations for the most effective musquito control are Orkin, Terminix, Rentokil, and Aptive. We recommend getting several quotes before you make your determination. Read on to notice how to eliminate mosquitoes the DIY way—and the benefits of going with the pros.

Mosquito Nuts

Earlier we go into the methods for eliminating mosquitoes, let'due south go over a few musquito basics. For starters, there are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes, with roughly 200 species in the U.S. alone.

It's a mutual misconception that mosquitoes suck blood for nutrient. They're not technically parasites, because they only suck claret to nourish their bodies so they tin can lay and hatch good for you eggs. Mosquitoes tin can lay 100 eggs at a fourth dimension, so populations of this pest can go out of control quickly. When eliminating mosquitoes, it'southward primal to utilise multiple methods, since non all approaches impale mosquitoes at every phase of the life cycle.

It'south besides important to note that repelling and killing mosquitoes aren't the same matter. Repelling mosquitoes will keep them away from yous past making you less attractive to them (they're attracted to the carbon dioxide from our breath, elements of our sweat, and perhaps even beer, according to some studies).

Killing mosquitoes may seem like a tempting option, but information technology's not e'er in our—or the environment's—best interest. That's considering mosquitoes tin become resistant to pesticides, making them harder to kill overall. Killing mosquitoes can also be toxic to the surroundings, depending on the pesticide, and tin can mess up the natural ecosystem, since animals like birds and bats eat mosquitoes.

The All-time Way to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your House

You're more likely to accept a mosquito event in your yard than in your home itself, but having mosquitoes buzzing around during bedtime tin be frustrating.

Mosquitoes buzzing effectually are easier to spot during the day than at night. If information technology's getting tardily and you desire to runway them down before they can make a repast out of your skin, turn on a lamp, flashlight, or your smartphone, and wait for them to be attracted to the light.

Here are the superlative ways to repel mosquitoes that have already hunkered down in your dwelling.

Chemical repellent

Applying traditional chemical musquito repellent volition continue them from biting you. You should bank check out products that comprise 30% to 50% DEET—the gold standard ingredient for mosquito repellent. In the past, there were some concerns that DEET was not safe to use on human peel, merely reviews done past the Environmental Protection Agency have found that DEET continues to meet safety standards when used properly.

The effects of DEET typically last for up to 12 hours. Experts recommend using a repellent that's thirty% to fifty% DEET for adults, and 10% to thirty% for children over two months. Don't spray repellent on infants under ii months.

Fix whatever gaps

To prevent mosquitoes from inbound your home, patch any gaps in screens and doors. It won't do any good if you become through a careful process to rid your abode of mosquitoes but to invite them in again. If you can see sunlight in the space around your door, that ways information technology isn't properly sealed. There's an easy fix—purchase a unproblematic door strip.

Mosquito netting

If you're someone who likes to sleep with the windows open at night, consider getting some musquito netting to keep yourself bite-complimentary.

Mosquito traps

At that place are several ways you can become a musquito trap—order i online, purchase 1 from the grocery store or hardware store, or fifty-fifty make your ain. Hither'south how to brand your own musquito trap:

  1. Cut a canteen in half and flip one of the cut halves upside down.
  2. Tuck the other one-half into the lower half of the bottle.
  3. Eddy one cup of saccharide and 1 cup of h2o, so add ii cups of cool water to the mixture.
  4. Let the mixture cool to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Add in a teaspoon of active, dry yeast to the mixture.
  6. Cascade the mixture into the trap.
  7. Secure the trap with record.

The mosquitoes volition exist attracted to the sugar, get stuck, and drown. You'll need to replace your homemade solution periodically.

Aquiver fans

Mosquitoes tin can't fly well against the current of air. This may sound overly elementary, just sometimes, unproblematic is what you need. Turn your fan on and scout the mosquitoes scatter and ultimately requite upwards.

Outdoor soap

Some outdoor soaps are specially designed to repel mosquitoes. Afterwards you bathe with 100% natural, non-toxic soap like Skin Armour Deep Woods Outdoor soap, the smell of your sweat won't bother you, but information technology will repel mosquitoes.

Essential oils

Essential oils are said to repel mosquitoes, but they may not exist every bit effective as traditional pesticides. Your all-time bet is an essential oil that contains lavander, lemon, or eucalyptus. Other options include lemongrass, peppermint, clove, and tee tree oil.

Preparation is unproblematic. Merely mix a few drops of your chosen essential oil with i loving cup of h2o, cascade information technology into a spray bottle, shake it upwardly, and you're done. You tin can spray it on your blank skin and around your home, but be conscientious not to spray it on whatever delicate fabrics.

Coconut oil and neem oil

A combination of coconut oil and neem oil, mixed together well with water, tin can repel mosquitoes for up to one-half a day. Spray it on your pare as a natural repellent.


Called-for lavender candles, or well-known citronella, will keep mosquitoes abroad since they can't stand the scent.


You can follow the essential oil spray process using garlic instead, though it won't smell as sweet. Many people prefer the scent of eucalyptus to garlic in big doses.


Camphor is a versatile repellent. You tin can either leave tablets in your room and let them evaporate, or, more than effectively, burn some camphor in the room. Shut all doors and windows and get out it burning for about twenty minutes. You'll have to be outside the room, but you can supervise from a window.

Coffee grounds

Just burn down some coffee grounds in a coffee tray or egg carton, and trust the smoke to repel these pests. Do this carefully in an expanse where it won't cause impairment or set off a fire alarm.

Sage and rosemary

Burning sage and rosemary may smell delightful and soothing to you, but mosquitoes hate the odor and will steer clear.


Basil is a multi-use mosquito repellent. You can identify a plant on your windowsill to continue mosquitoes at bay, or fifty-fifty use it as a topical oil and utilize it to your skin.

Lemon lotion

Applying lemon balm directly to the skin, especially on sensitive areas similar ankles and wrists, has been shown to exist effective against mosquitoes. Just crush it up and rub information technology on your skin.


Listerine mouth wash may audio like a random mosquito repellent, but it contains eucalyptus oil and tin aid repel mosquitoes.

Bug zappers

Though bug zappers tin can kill mosquitoes on contact, this method can get tiring if washed over and over. Besides, be mindful non to zap harmless insects.

close-up of a mosquito Adobe

The Best Way to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard

Now that you know how to get rid of mosquitoes in your dwelling house, here are a few ways to keep these pests out of your yard.

Apply chemical repellents

Applying a chemic insect repellent designed for the outdoors is a solid way to go rid of mosquitoes. Repellents similar Off! Bug Command Backyard Pretreat can protect the perimeters of lawns, backyards, and gardens for up to viii weeks. You can also spray a traditional, rubber repellent on your pare.

Picaridin, a synthesized pepper plant ingredient, is some other selection which lasts for up to 14 hours. Permethrin is an active ingredient in chemical repellents that should never be used on skin, but can be incredibly handy if applied to camping gear, clothing, and shoes. Unlike DEET, which only repels mosquitoes, products with permethrin volition kill mosquitoes on contact. Unfortunately, information technology can irritate skin and kill benign insects like bees.

Set a mosquito trap

Mosquito traps are a handy fashion to command your mosquito population. These traps trick mosquitoes into flight into them by emulating the visual and smell stimuli that attract mosquitoes to humans.

There are many varieties of musquito traps out there. Some work by trapping mosquitoes to a mucilaginous surface, while others electrocute them with an electrical grid. The Mosquito Magnet is one of the nearly pop traps—it works by vacuuming mosquitoes upwards.

For this method, place your traps in a shady surface area. Y'all may have to move them effectually to notice the optimal placement for ensnaring mosquitoes. It'south worth noting that different species of mosquitoes react differently to traps, and then it's not a ane-size-fits-all remedy.

Consider a issues zapper

Zappers work by electrocuting mosquitoes. This method can aid yous fry a few of these annoying insects, but overall, it'south inefficient and comes with its adventure—yous may end up killing beneficial and harmless bugs.

Eliminate standing water

Adult mosquitoes lay their eggs in continuing h2o, and that'south where their larvae hatch. Empty all stagnant bodies of water you lot can, like any water that's pooled in buckets, gutters, ditches, and pet bowls. Brand sure to refresh the water in any bird baths and check to see if your potted plants have plenty drainage.

Treat pools and ponds

For standing water that you can't eliminate, utilize a larvicide douse or liquid larvicide and run the filter regularly. To preclude mosquitoes from laying eggs in your puddle, exist sure to cover the pool at nighttime and during the months when yous aren't using information technology.

BTI, a naturally occurring bacterium institute in soil, produces toxins that target and kill musquito larvae. You can spray it over ponds, flower pots, and bird baths, and it'due south non-toxic to humans.

Burn candles

Citronella candles are a long-time fan favorite for repelling mosquitoes. You can buy sizable ones to place around your one thousand and ensure mosquitoes will keep their altitude.

Set out Thermacell

These handy devices are spray-free, emitting a no-mess repellent in a compact container. Completely smell-complimentary, these easy-to-use containers are easy to refill and provide up to xv feet of protection.

Buy an oscillating fan

This follows the same principle as an indoor fan, just you probably have room for a larger, college-power fan in your yard than in your living room.

Keep your m trim and tidy

Mosquitoes like to rest and settle in areas that are absurd, damp, and nighttime. Manicure your lawn, trim copse and shrubs, and make sure your grass isn't getting likewise tall. This will make your m less hospitable to mosquitoes.

Plant natural deterrents

Repelling mosquitoes doesn't have to be only applied—it tin exist pretty, as well. Planting natural deterrents tin can bandbox up your garden while keeping these prevalent pests away. Consider planting the following flora to keep mosquitoes away:

  • Tulsi
  • Lavender
  • Marigolds
  • Lemon lotion
  • Lemongrass
  • Citronella
  • Catnip
  • Basil
  • Garlic
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Pennyroyal
  • Geraniums
  • Sage

Put down cedar mulch

Cedar oil is a mutual musquito repellent ingredient and cedar mulch soaks up excess moisture, keeping it in the soil and deterring mosquitoes from settling in your vegetation.

Attract natural predators

Predators can't completely eradicate your issue if you lot're overrun with mosquitoes, but if yous're just getting a few unwanted critters here and there, alluring them is worth a shot.

Many birds are natural mosquito predators, including majestic martins, waterfowl, swallows, and migratory songbirds. Setting upward bird feeders is a solid step in attracting these birds. Installing a bat house can also assistance. Bats consume up mosquitoes, but yous may not want to attract bats virtually your dwelling house.

If y'all accept a pond, you can do good from predators similar goldfish, koi, and red-eared slider turtles.

Mosquitoes besides fall casualty to other insects—some yous'd be happy to encounter in your garden and others, not so much. Spiders eat mosquitoes when they fly into their webs and dragonflies gobble mosquitoes right up.

Use yellow LED lighting

Mosquitoes are attracted to the light from traditional light bulbs. Warm, yellowish LED lights are less highly-seasoned to them, according to the American Association for the Advocacy of Science.

Professional Mosquito Control

While you may notice some measure of success with DIY methods, if you're dealing with tons of mosquitoes, yous need to phone call in a professional pest command company. Professional pest command companies take the expertise to kill mosquitoes at all stages of the life cycle and are more knowledgeable most safety practices when applying chemicals.

Here are our top recommendations for professional musquito control.


Terminix'south mosquito solution promises to kill mosquitoes with a fast-acting, specialized handling. Its polymer layer protects the product's active ingredient confronting conditions and lawn watering, assuasive weeks-long musquito prevention.

First, Terminix inspects your g for mosquitoes. Then, the technician will create a treatment plan that involves a protection zone. Terminix offers a sometime awarding and monthly treatment.

If you lot'd like to get a free quote from Terminix, call 866-569-4035 or make full out this form.


This trusted pest control visitor follows a targeted mosquito command procedure that involves monthly treating and added protection against mosquito-borne illnesses like W Nile and Zika.

After completing a thorough inspection, your Orkin specialist will create a specific treatment plan.

Orkin uses three primary treatment controls—microbial insects that inhibit breeding in water, insecticides applied to plants that adult mosquitoes use for shelter, and insect growth regulators that prevent the development of mosquitoes in stagnant bodies of water.


Rentokil prevents mosquitoes by providing treatments of fast-acting, odor-free products that double as tick protection. The pest control company creates a barrier that kills adult mosquitoes when they land on it.

If y'all're interested in a gratuitous quote, call 844-334-1157.

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How Can I Keep Mosquitoes Out Of My Room,


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